I had a crazy Halloween party saturday night. It started early... and actually ended early (everyone was either gone or passed out by 2:30). Only one person tossed their cookies. Everyone looked fabulous in their costumes and my house is still completly trashed.
Crystalu, Travi-pants and T-Dog... I mean cat!
Catch Phrase of the night!
Look: the're on their first date. Totally Kawai (cute)!
I look like my sister... and my sister is good looking! This is the pre-dancing/ still getting drunk phase of the night. Everybody is getting along. English, Japanese and other.
Mona finally arrived! I don't really know what her costume is supposed to be, but she is way foxy in her faux fur!
Neo: I am the one.
Sailor Moon: Yes you are! And my beer matches my dress!
I am the hotest hostess at the party. Everyone kept freaking out at my hair.
Oops! The Koban have arrived and told us to quiet down a bit. No problem! While someone is talking to the cops the rest of us take a rest from dancing and have another cocktail. Would you just look at the state of my kitchen! Can we say DISASTER AREA!
They are just too cute for words. I never realized that monkeys drank so much beer.
Mie and Yuka: party girls extrodinair. The party always starts soon after their arrival. And just as they came in, my living room became a Soul Train stage.
Tressa: Shut-up and just keep dancing with me.
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