So we went to Tokyo!!! It was the first time I have been since summer vacation, which is pretty pathetic considering it is only a 2 hour train ride away. Crystal-lu, Tressa-chan and myself (that makes three people I know... hahaha (inside joke)) took several trains on Saturday afternoon and went into the heart of Tokyo. It was a clear, mildly cold, December day. It was actually clear enough to see Fuji-san, it was the girls first sight of the famous Mt. (very exciting).

After getting ourself all gussied up (look for picture in a few days) we jumped back on the train and headed to Shibuya. Shibuya station is the most busy station in the world and it was fun checking out all the young, hip japanese girls in their j-clothes. FASHION NOTE: wearing boots and tweed swiss alpine- looking knee length shorts are totaly IN right now. You can also wear your boots matched with a tight pair of jeans, but only if you tuck your pants into your boots.
So... we got lost (it is what we do best). We don't have the address or the phone number of the club and every one we ask either doesn't know or points us in opposing directions. So after Tressa flirts with some very cute Koban-men (police men... she can't resist a man in uniform) and Crystal ducking into an internet cafe to find better directions .. three very cold and sober ladies arrive at Club Pure around 11:30. For a fee of 25 bucks we get entrance into the guijin friendly club (all the bartenders were from British Columbia), a purple plastic cup and ALL YOU CAN DRINK, drinks (really good deal for Tokyo).
We settle in to warm up and have a cocktail... the club isn't busy yet, but it will be packed by 1am. We are just sitting down with our first drink and we notice that we are being noticed. We are being eyed by an entire pack of hunky, professional rugby players. Hello?!?!?!!!! So... needless to say we had a really, really , REALLY good time at the club.
Our night pretty much played out like this... drinking, dancing, drinking, flirting, drinking, flirting, dancing, drinking, flirting, dancing, flirting, flirting, flirting, drinking and flirting.
After a long night of having way too much fun, it was time for these Ibaraki Ladies of the Night to head back to the hotel... we rolled in around 5:30 am (which is pretty standard for Tokyo nightlife).
We needed to be out of our hotel by 10am ... what the hell were we thinking? We head back out into the city still inebreated, sleep deprived and sore from our night of debochery. I took the girls to Harajuku and we immediatly found a $12 lunch buffet, yummy! It was a shopping extravaganza (I have finally finished my christmas shopping) all day. The greatest find of the day had to be this high-end, posh selection of purfume/air freshners. They had distint names with matching smells. Some of our personal favorites included... Dirt, Tomato, Sushi, Wet Grass, Gin and Tonic, Laundry Mat and Funeral Home.
The freaky Harajuku kids were out and about, even though it was rainy.. here are some of the clothes you could possibly see people wearing in Harajuku... the really popular thing to dress-up in is a french milk maid costume with petticoats and all. Hilarious!
Around 2:30, it started to really rain. Since we were really tired, and were afraid of getting our eyes poked out by an umbrella... we decided to start home. All in all... we had a fantastic weekend in the city. It was nice to get out of Ibaraki and see some some sites. Every muscle in my body is sore from dancing all night and I seem to have sprained my ankle, because I am walking with a limp today. However, it was totally worth it and who knows... I might have a date with a professional rugby player(who also happens to be a pretty good dancer) sometime in the near future.
Jody Quote of the Weekend: You know you are not in Ibaraki any more when... you see three guijin people and it's not the relection of you and your two crazy friends in a mirror.
1 comment:
talk about it.....
im thinking of permanantly moving to tokyo and turning into a harajuku freak-think i could pull off that look? you guys are good times and thanks for everything. ps:to everyone who reads this blog...i am not "crazy for koban" as these girls like to say,I just ask for directions a lot. wu tang out!
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