On Friday (Public Holiday) my new coordinator Yuka (whom I love... she is sooo funny. (She told me that I should wear a sexy dress to help me pass the test)) took me out for a driving lesson. She felt it was a waste of time, because she seemed to think I was already a good driver. However, it was nice to spend more time with her and get to know her better (she has only been my coordinator for a little over a week).
Early Monday morning I met my trasportation. This was her first assignment for the company and she was a little nervous. However, the day went off without a hitch. We arrived in Mito (capital of Ibaraki Prefecture) at percisely 9am (you can only apply to take the test between 9 and 10am). They accepted all of my documents (this was the major worry) and after a small interview about my driving education and history in California, I had an appointment for my written test at 1 o'clock .
My written test was given in english (actually it was more like ingrish, but what can you do?). It wasn't too bad. 10 questions in true or false situations. However, some of the questions were really tricky and required several read throughs and a careful study of a diagram before an answer could be determined. Luckily, I passed and was headed onto the next round. THE DRIVING COUSE!

Now... this course doesn't seem too difficult, but there are dozens of little customs that must be exactly followed or else you FAIL! I would like to thank AlienTimes http://www.alientimes.org/topics/topics.html#transportation for ALL of their helpful hints and copies of the various courses. They were a truckload of help!
Things I needed to remember to do in correct order...
- Check under the car for small children or furry animals (in a special order of course)
- Look left and right before opening the car door
- Lock door
- Adjust seat
- Adjust mirrors
- Put on seatbelt
- Check parking break
- Make sure car was in park
- Pump Brake
- Start car
I won't even go into the crap you needed to remember once getting on the actual course. Needless to say... I had to concentrate! I got to ride the course once before I drove it. The girl before me did terribly. She pulled into oncoming traffic, she didn't check her mirrors enough. She didn't even slow down under 10kmph when the sign told her to. Needless to say... she failed! I was the last driver of the day and out of the 12 foriegners taking the test that afternoon only one other had passed (however... this was his second attempt).
I said a little prayer to the goddess and proceeded to...
KICK ASS!!!!!!!
I know I don't usually cuss on this blog, but I thought this was an appropriate time to use profanity. (Sorry Dad)
The tester was so impressed. For the first half of the test he was making these japanese grunts of approval and suprise. After I finished the "crank" and "S "curves he seemed to be satisfied with my driving and was trying to chat it up with me. I told him I didn't speak much Japanese, but proceeded to be pleasant and answer his questions about where I was from, what I did for a living and so forth. HELL YA!!!! After we parked the car. He told me "VERY GOOOO" and proceeded to tell my translator that I had done extremely well and that I most definatly passed. TALKIN' ABOUT IT!!!!!!!
After passing an eye test, paying another fee, and taking a horrible picture... I was free to go home with my new japanese driver's liscence in hand! YEAH!!!!!!!!
So... for all of ya who still need to get a driver's liscence in Japan. Don't panic! It's not impossible to pass your first time. Follow the guidlines given by AlienTimes like it was your dogma and study the courses. Who knows... you might get lucky.
And for all of you who have taken the driver's test and who told me it was impossible to pass the test on my first try... I have only one thing to say to you...
I will try to write again soon. Lots of love...
congratulations jody whiteo sensei!! i secretly knew you could do it!
miss you too, honey. glad to hear your xmas was special. see you soon. love ya!
yay! i told you if you flirted he'd pass you. i refused to flirt until my third try, and when i finally gave in and started batting my eyelashes at him, wouldn't ya know? success.
Congrats Jody. I guess you decided to take your friends advice and wear a sexy outfit. J/k. Know if I decide to visit you, you can drive me around.
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