We couldn't contol our laughter when we went into the Tiki Room and all of the songs were in nihon-go (Japanese). Same thing happened when we were rode the jungle boat cruize and all of the corney jikes were in japanese. It was good times. And you know... the haunted mansion (set up for the Nightmare Before Christmas) isn't that scarry when you don't understand what your doom buggy is saying to you.
Question: for those of you who have been to Euro Disney... Is everthing in french?

Hats, ears and other crap you must wear to fit in.
We are all standing in line for our first ride of the day... Pirates of the Carribean. And we look a little out of place, ok we are the only white people in line, but we needed something to blend in. Everyone is wearing sometype of ears or a hat. Men, women, and childen. No one is free of Disney paraphernalia. SO.. I ran out and bought us Minny Mouse ear baretts to help blend. Don't we look super kawai (cute)?

If the first thing japanese people do when they get to Disneyland is to buy something silly to wear on their head, than the immediate second thing is to buy a popcorn bucket. Japanese people are CRAZY for popcorn, however it is not readily available like in America. So, you buy a commererative bucket that hangs around your neck all day , kind of like a feed bag. And when your bucket is empty you refill it at any number of popcorn stands. Plain, caramel, curry... and several other varieties are available for your eating pleasure throught the park. YUMMY!

Eating is also another big thing. There are many more eating establishments here than in Cali. For lunch I had hamburg (not to be confused with a hamberger) rice and salad. For dinner it was chicken and veggie pizza. (I know some of you like to know what I eat)
The rides were pretty much the same, the wait was ridiculous... but that is what we get for going to the park on a day when most people don't have to go to work (you whould whink an OC girl would know better!).

However, the highlight of the day was the "Countdown to 2006 Parade". People laid out their plastic mats (It's a japanese thing) early in the morning and had their prime spots already picked out while the sun was still higgh in the sky. So of course, we wait until 20 minutes until show time to attept to find a place, only to find out that their is no place. Everyone was sitting down along the parade path and we were lucky to grap a standing spot near one of the restaurant eating tables. The parade was great. But it got even better when the floats stopted and everone preformed several musical/dancing numbers for about a 1/2 hour. After that it was time for the fireworks (Nihon-jin Love Fireworks) and the big finally. It was the Best Parade I have ever seen!
I definatly plan to return to Tokyo Disneyland... however next time I will try going on a weekday. I can't wait to go to Disney Sea... it is supposedly more adult friendly (maybe that means they serve beer or something). Till next time.... Jody
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