Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

The local time is

New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Saturday, December 19, 2009


As always, Juan and I have picked up a little extra work over the holiday. Juan is teaching in Tokyo later this week and I am on my way to the Kansai Area to teach a 3 day seminar. My school is technically in Kobe but my hotel is in Osaka (I think), well... I'm only an 11 minute express train from Osaka... so well just say I'm staying in Osaka.

One of the nicest things about this job is that they appreciate your hard work and they pay for everything; hotel, meals, photo copies, stickers, snacks and reserved seats on the shinkansen. The shinkansen is especially nice. The new N700 series is top of the line when it comes to the world of high speed trains! And lucky for me... the N700 runs between Tokyo and Osaka... just my exact route!

My favorite part about the N700 is that even in coach... the seats are nice and the leg room is ample! Look at it!!! I've seen a family of 4 sit in these two seats. Well... ok, the parents were sitting on the floor while the kids slept on the chairs, but they all fit!

The trip between Tokyo and Osaka takes about 2 1/2 hours, but with seating like this... it's not so bad. I wish planes were like this!!!

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