Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

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New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Friday, April 09, 2010

Night Viewing at Chidorigafuchi and Yasakuni Shrine

During the height of cherry blossom season, I really wanted to go to a night viewing and what better place than Chidorigafuchi and Yasakuni shrine.

Last Sunday, we met up with our friend Naoko for an evening of cherry blossoms and Japanese junk food. We started our evening by walking around the inner and outer gardens along Chidorigafuchi's Edo period moat area.

We arrived at Chidorigafuchi a little to early for night viewing. So, we decided to run over to Yasakuni for a quick snack of buttered baked potatoes, yaki soba, grilled squid (Naoko chan only) and beer on tap. One of the best things about going to Yasakuni is that all of the seating area is actually under the blossoms.

At 6:30 we went back to Chidorigafuchi to walk along the pink LED illuminated walkways beside the moat. As always, I am in awe of the beauty that surrounds me here. Words can never describe it, you just have to experience it to know how amazing it really is.

After fighting the crowd of a thousand people trying to take the perfect picture, we went back to Yasakuni for a little more food and drink. We popped into a dining tent and with Naoko's help we feasted on bacon wrapped asparagus and tomatoes, conch shells, grilled veggies, beer and lemon sours. YUMMY!!!!!!

Our evening out with Naoko finished off with a delicious crepe. U-mai!!! (That's yummy in Japanese) Thanks Naoko for coming out with us!!!

Every year, as the cherry blossom season comes to an end, I always feel that I didn't take full advatage of the season, but I guess.... there's always next year.

1 comment:

Tressa said...

Beautiful cherry blossom pics and great pics of all of you! I love them!