Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

The local time is

New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Hakone Trip : I've been to Hell, and Damn were the eggs good.


Now, I finally understand the true incentive to becoming a school teacher. What the hell was I thinking about when I wanted to become a curator? Summer is here and it is HOT. So ... over the past couple of days I went on a little trip with some friends (and their visiting family members)... good times were had by all.

Here we all are.... oh my god, we are actually sitting down on a train for once!!!! Hakone is a 3-4 hour trip from my friends house. We could have gotten there faster by taking the shinkansen (Japanese for really, really fast train), but it would have cost a lot more. We got up around O dark thirty, in an attept to beat the morning Tokyo rush. We were not successful in our attempt, but hey, at least we tried.

Katie, Chris's Aunt Sue, Chris's Mom (Joyce) and Chris

Hakone is South of Tokyo, South of Yokohama and just ... SOUTH. Hey, I don't know where the hell it is. If it is that important to you go look it up on a map or something. None the less, it is reknown for its lush green hillsides.

We have to take a small local train, a little tram, a sky lift, a boat and a bus or taxi just to get around. In other words, it was a day of traveling. But as you can see, the view is definitely worth the trouble.

Here is Katie, Puddles and me riding the skytram.

Don't look down !!! OK, look down... the view is breathtaking!!

At the top of Hakone we come to Owakudani, which translates literally into "Hell". It is a sulfur mine (or was one at one time) on a little volcano. You take the tram to the top and then hike your lazy fat ass up a friggin mountain (Don't be too jealous).

Before we start our ascent into the depths of HELL, we stop at a shrine to bless the local diety. What you do is... pour some really hot, stinky water (sulfur water from the natural springs) over this marble statue. I think this is the cleanest statue I have ever seen in my life. You would be pretty clean too if you had a couple hundred baths a day.

MMMMMMMMMMM. These black eggs are one of the main reasons to go to Hell. The white eggs are boiled in the sulfur baths and when they come out.... They are black (just like my soul, hahahahah). Each egg you eat is said to give you seven more years onto your life. I know, I know.... "Jody, the way you live your life you should eat, like, six of them, haha". Bastards!

Thus ends Part One of this vacation saga. Please come back and read my blog again soon, so you can see the further adventures of "Jody the Kimpatsu Gaijin" (golden-haired foriegner). See Jody be-friend Pirates on the Seven Seas (actualy it tis a lake, but who really pays attention to crap like that). See her visit her first Onzen (you must log on to find out what the hell an onzen is). And many other exciting (sometimes nude) adventures. Till next time..... Sayonara.

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