Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

The local time is

New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

80's Party!!?!!

Hey everyone! Sorry I went all AWAL on ya. But I am back and promise never to run away ever again. So what have I been up to? Well, it's too much to explain in one blog, so look for a couple postings over the next week.

Last week was a double holiday week. What does that mean? It means that I had back to back three day weekends with only 3 days of work in between. Talk about the good life!

So my good friends Tressa and Crystal decided to throw an 80's theme party. Now, what can I say about these girls? They are some crazy Canadians living in Japan. They teach english at several pre-school in the area. And they are some of the sweetest people I have met since beeing here.
Crystal (the blonde) is the planner. There is not a weekend that goes by where she doesn't invite me to something. She is more of a hostess then I ever was in my domestic days.

Tressa (the brunette) is the laid
back one. She still hasn't figured out her cell phone. She loves spicy ramen. And she can sing "Under the sea" from the Little Mermaid better than anyone else in Japan. These girls are AWESOME!!!

So getting a costume in Japan is not always easy. Even if you manage to find something you like, the chances of it actually fitting you are pretty next to nill. SO, needless to say, there were some interesting costumes. Everyone attempted to dress up. Eventhough most of our Japanese friends had no idea what they were supposed to wear.
Daichi is wearing some type of mushroom on his head. I feel as if I should jump on him and collect my 25 points.
Tressa is rocking out! Just look at that side ponytail!

I have no idea what these people came as. My guess is modern, Japanese Abba???

Obviously, there is a lot of so-shu being imbibed (kind of like a japanese vodka). Everyone has turned into a solid-gold dancer!!!

No!!! A RAINBOW DID NOT SLAP ME ACROSS THE FACE!! I look like the love child of Hedwig and BoyGeorge. HAHAHA

I have no clue who brought this friggin wig. But by the end of the night everyone had worn it. They look like Muppets on Crack!

So needless to say... it was like totally awesome. Like... ya know! Hell.... even the Koban showed up (japanese police). And we all know it was a good party if the koban came. Thanks girls!!!! Till next time... ROCK N ROLL!!!


Crystal said...

Awesome entry Jody! Thanks for posting the horrifying pictures of me... although, the little blurb on how martha stewarty i am (**gag**) more than made up for it! Cheers!

angel said...

Definitely an awesome adventure.
Enjoy the japenese culture