Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

The local time is

New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Friday, September 16, 2005

My blissful night.

When was the last time you had a really great night's sleep?

Yesterday was the first satisfactory day since the end of May. The temperature was lovely, like the way a piece of lemon chiffon cake is with a cup of darjeeling tea. It wasn't hot, nor was it cold. If temperature could be a place, then yesterday was like home. Like the perfectly comfortable feeling you get when you sit in your big leather chair and cuddle up to a good book. There was the type of breeze that made the trees not dance, but sway. It was the definitive temperature for sleeping.

The bedroom window was left open. Not so much for circulation, but more for the enjoyment of watching the curtains billow in the evening wind, to hear the cricket sing and the owl that lives in the field next door hoot. The fan was not needed, but a light blanket was. I drifted off to sleep effortlessly. Forgetting, for once, the work that was not finished and the classes that still needed to be prepared. There was no dreams, only peace.

After a moment, my alarm clock was waking me. Laying on my left side with one arm outside of the blanket and the other arm under my head. I am the exact mirror image of the position I fell asleep in. I checked the time to make sure I had set it correctly. However, the light from under the door told me that the time was true. I wasn't tired, just disappointed that this splendid night went by so quickly.

I have not slept that well since my arrival in Japan. I don't think I have slept that well since childhood.

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