Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

The local time is

New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Friday, October 14, 2005

My House... in the middle of Yachiyo!

So I have finally taken some pictures of inside my house! I hope you like them... and if you don't, then you don't have to look at them!

This is my dining room. Some times I eat here, but mostly I can be found cutting, assembling and pasting craft projects together for school.

Ahhhh. My Kitchen. Watch out! I know you are jelous of my counter space, but hey, not everyone can put nothing on their counters. Immagine trying to cook for a family of four with 2 feet of prep space. It is hard enough just trying to cook for my self.

This is the MOST important piece of technology I own. Someone at city hall gave it to me right after I moved in. It is used, but hey, if I wanted to make 20 servings of rice I could. Can you? I didn't think so : P

PS: If you are wondering where I got the NUTELLA.... I found it at a guijin store in Tsukuba.
Off the kitchen, though some sliding doors, you find the living room. You might notice the beautiful view of my weeds... I mean, my garden.
The living room funiture is a gift from city hall. It is old and pretty beat up... but hey, it beats sitting on the cold floor.

Side note: Wood floors are a pain in the ass! I sweep all the time. When I finish, not ten minutes go by when I notice it is dirty again. What is the number for merry maids again?

I don't know who makes the house plans... but my clothes closet is in the living room. What does this mean? It means that I need to make sure I have a bathrobe on or the curtains closed when I am picking out my ensemble every morning. Before someone gave me these really ugly curtains, I think I accidently flashed the old lady that lives next door. I am hoping the fact that she is old also means that she is blind.

This is my bedroom, DUH!!!? I would like to thank Mom for sending me this wonderful Aero bed. Everyone who has slept on it is very envious. I mean... no one has slept on it.... I sleep alone every night... damn it!

I would also like to point out that there is nowhere to hang my longer clothing, so I drilled a couple of holes into the wall to accomodate my leangthy wardrobe. There goes my deposit.
THIS IS TATAMI. I keep saying my tatami room is hard to keep clean and everyone asks... "What is tatami?". Well, here it is. Its a woven straw mat over some padding. Shoes are strikly forbidden on it. But you aren't supposed to wear shoes indoors anywhere in Japan. So...whatever.

Here is the view of the my street from my bedroom balcony. I live at the end of a dead end.. at the end of a dead end... therefore it is kind of quiet.

But this one time.... I was attepting to sleep in on a Saturday morning. And I was awakened by my doorbell ringing like 5 times and a bunch of kids yelling "Ohiyo Goziimas Jody Whito Sensei (they say whito)". It was way cute, but I would not like a repeat on every Saturday at 7am.

This is my...my... well I don't know what the word for this room is, but it has a sink and my washing machine. This machine was donated my some mormon missionaries whos mission had ended and they needed to get rid of their stuff. It is all in japanese, but I have figured out which cycle gets my socks clean.

My shower room was really hard to photograph, but you get the idea. I don't know if the Japanese are vain people, but obviously they really need a mirror in the shower. Now, I know what you are asking me... " Why is the mirror so low?". Well, get your mind out of the gutter! Japanese people take showers while sitting on a stool. Luckily they installed a holder for the shower so I could take a rinse the western way.

You can also get a glimpse of my bathtub. Now it is not as long as western ones are, but it is much deeper. So while you can strech your legs out, the water comes up to my shoulders. I love my bathtub. The contractors got one thig right though. I have an automatic bathtub. With a push of a button, my tub will fill up to a preset depth and temperature of my liking. It is also in Japanese, but thanks to my trusty dictionary, I have the settings programed. I Love IT!!!
So that about raps it up for now. I didn't get a good picture of my bathroom, but I will leave you with a picture of me standing in my shower looking at my vanity (hahaha! Do you get it? Vanity? You need to go out more. It was just a cheesy pun. ).

I hope ya all are enjoying my blogs. Drop me a note some time and I will probably write you back. Unless I don't like you. You know what, I probably don't like you.. so you shouldn7t waste your time writing me an e-mail. Unless it is an e-mail to inform me that you no longer like me.... yeah! That makes sense.. right?

Lots of Love

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