Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

The local time is

New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Friday, November 25, 2005

If you link to her... you can read it!

As always... Crystal-lu is one step ahead of me in the world of blogs... so I am taking the easy way out this time. If you want to see more pictures of me drinking and singing karaoke log on to... http://www.crystalscapers.blogspot.com
There is also a review of the first movie I have seen in Japan. It was not the greatest movie... but it was in english and had a lot of shoes.

I miss shoes. Did I tell you that the only shoes I can buy here are mens?!!!?!! Please send me some shoes or a fashion magazine. I am in fashion exile out here. If someone asked me about what I thought about the new Prada line... I wouldn't know! And eventhough I could never afford Chanel haute-couture... I still like to have an opinion on the subject.

I was looking for a sweater the other day and picked up a vest that had autumn leaves ebroidered on the chest and I thought it was cute. HELP ME!!! I must be loosing my mind and my fashion sauvy!

And to make things worse, my beautiful, hadmade, orange handbag I bought at a little boutique in Victoria, Canada is almost dead. Evertime I spot a potentially new handbag it cost upwards of 200 bucks.

OK, OK, OK!!! I will stop bitching and go back to work... a place where I wear tennis shoes with a black suit and where I can usualy find chalk dust all over my back side.

Lots of Love,

Jody a la mode White

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