Well... today is my favorite American Holiday (after my birthday... but that is not a federal holiday ...yet!). Don't write me a bunch of e-mails telling me how good all of the food is. Don't rub it in that I am not there to share in your joy. I am sad. I love turkey day and I miss you.
Soooooooooo, to make it up for me.. you should eat another turkey sandwich, have another glass of red wine and send me a piece of pumkin pie!
Things I am thankful for...
- A loving and suportive family.
- Great friends in many countries!
- My new space heater... my house is friggin' freezing!
- My heated toilet seat (see previous)
- Turkey Sandwiches at Subway (only turkey I can get in 30 km)
- My huge rice cooker, without it I would have starved during my first 2 months
- Ladybugs (because they are much smaller than the gokiburi (cockroaches))
- Chu-hi's and So-Chu... Kompai!!!
- Not being a pilgrim (they would have totally hung my ass).
- Karaoke!!!
- The ability to purchase almost anything on the internet.
- And the #1 thing I am thankful for... Having a life and finally choosing to live it!
Warmest Wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving ! ALL my love.. XOXO... Jods
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