Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

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New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

The state of my Phlegm.

Sorry there have been no posts for a few days. Jody Whito Sensei had kinkanshien, aka.... Bronchitis. But my phlegm has gone from an opaque green to a nice translucent yellow. So I must be getting better!

So since I do not have too much to say about my life, I have decided to give you my top three moments of extreme happiness from this week ( in no particular order).

Extreme Moment of Happiness #1

Finding and Purchasing many slightly expensive Japanese Christmas Cards. If you remembered to send me your address then you should be receiving a gem of a card in a few short weeks. I won't tell you about all the cards, but the best one has a Santa with a ramen cart!

Momento de Happiness Extremo #2

EGGS BENEDICT !!!!!!!!!! Crysal-san (who is officially the best cook in Japan) whipted us up some eggs benedict for brunch the other day. IT WAS AMAZING! They were sooooooo friggin' good that I told Crystal I was taking her back to Canada and making her my wife. (because you can do that in Canada now. (Some times I wish I was Canadian. Everyone likes the Canadians.)).

Happiness Moment of Extremeness #3

Thank you Chris and Reece. This photo not only made my week, it also gave me strange looks from my Japanese co-workers for spontaneously bursting out in a gaggle of giggles.

I hope you enjoyed my week as much as I did!

Lots of Love,
The one and only,
Jody Whito Sensei


Crystal said...

Thanks for periodically risking your life to try my often-gagworthy culinary creations! There's gotta be a gem mixed in the slew of rocks somewhere...

Jody (White) and Juan Leon said...

whatever.... Your Cooking ROCKS!!!!