Now, some movies get premiered relativly fast... Harry Potter was here 10 days after it was released in America (they LOVE the Harry... but who doesn't?). Anywhoo... I realize that the movie I just saw has already been released on DVD in the states... however, it just got here last week! So, if you have seen this movie like 1000 times already and are sick of hearing about it, then you can just sod off, because it was HOT!

MR. and Mrs. Smith... Hello??? It is like my sexual fantasies have become a reality!!! Me and 5 other girls swooned at the screen for 2 hours. As usual... we ohhed, awed, cringed, laughed and commented all through out the movie. Surprisingly none of the surrounding Japanese people got out of their cushy chair to get away from the American/Canadian/Other noisy hen house in the 10th row (yes... it has happened before).

So, all in all, it was a GREAT movie and if any of you want to send me a copy of it I would... I would.. HHHHmmmmmm???...... I would be very thankful !!!
Till Next time... Live Long and Prosper!
PS Just to let you all know... I fixed my blog so that ANYONE can leave a comment, you just have to take an extra 3 seconds and type in a word-verification. This cuts down on all the spam that has appeared in my comment box and it allows ya all to leave a comment once in a while. That way I know you are actually reading my blog and not just telling me you are readiong it, but not really reading it. JA NE!!!!
1 comment:
YAY...Finally I can leave comments! I actually signed up to blogger Reserved for Comments only, but after all the xanga, my space, facebook,etc I forgot the user name & password...Anyway, I just wanted to say "hi"...I love reading about your adventures (also makes me semi-ashamed of my boring Xanga blogs). I also enjoyed Mr. & Mrs Smith (I saw it for the 1st time last week...I've been trapped in the lab so I've been out of the loop). I thought it wasn't possible for Brad to look hotter...wow!
Well, take care...I miss you! BIG HUG!
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