Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

The local time is

New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Golden Week

Hi everyone! Sorry about not blogging in a while. Firstly, Juan and I had just too much fun over Golden Week. In case you didn't know... Golden Week is one of the most cherished weeks of the year for the average salary man. A week where there are 4 holidays. A week needed to get out of the office in preparation for that long haul until August. That's right. There is almost no public holidays until August. AHHHHH. anywhoooo... Not having the money to pay the double (sometimes triple) hotel fees around Japan. Juan and I spent the week getting to know our new city a little better. And then at the start of last week we seemed to have lost our Internet connection. So now that we are finally connected... there will be blogs a plenty.

Golden Week!!!

Most of it was spent resting up. I don't think we did anything for two days straight (and I loved it). Monday was shopping day. Tuesday and Wednesday were spent traveling between Mito, Ibaraki and the Narita town office in attempts to get all of my documents in order. Lots of boring train rides and lines waiting.

Luckily, we reserved our energy and money for Friday. We met up with our good friends Dave and Anna at Ebisu Station around 11am. Ebisu station is known for the Ebisu Beer Museum and tasting room. MMmmm BEER. The beer wasn't too badly priced (200 Yen for a glass or a 4 set taster for 400Yen). I would defiantly go back. Anyways... we started drinking at 11am and didn't stop until around midnight. Gosh... I can't remember going on a transPrefectural Pub Crawl in ages.

From Ebisu station to lunch on some random rooftop that happened to have a tee pee, then on to the "HUB" for happy hour. After the cheapest happy hour you can find in Tokyo we took the train to Shinjuku for a walk around the randy side of the station. Here is where you can find the maid bars that are a popular place for the businessman lunch. However we learned that if you walk even farther from the station... you run into the host bars. That's right ladies, if you wanna pay to talk to some dude with a haircuts similar to Yugiyo, then this is where you wanna go. I can't believe they have places where chicks pay to talk to dudes! Only in Japan.

Anyway... Thanks go out to Dave and Anna for a good time. THANKS GUYS!!! Come on down to Tokyo anytime. You always have a place to crash!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW! I'm glad you had a good holiday! I miss you like crazy!
Tressa chan