Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

The local time is

New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Seeing the Emperor

After our misadventures in Kyoto, Juan just wanted to stay in his pajamas all day and play on the internet, but Melina and I were ready to tackle the city again. So, what is there to do on January 2nd in Tokyo??? See the Emperor and go shopping!

As you may already know, the Japanese Emperor doesn't come out from around his moat very often. But every December 23rd (his birthday) and January 2nd Emperor Hirohito comes out onto his bullet proof viewing area, makes a speech and waves at all the flag waving people.

Here's Melina as we get off the train at Tokyo station and make our way through the financial district.

Flags... check!

Look at this little boy, isn't he so cute? He's just happy to have a flag to wave around.

Everyone is happy to have a flag to wave!!!

It's not easy trying to get a picture of the Emperor and his family, but with a little help from my face recognition feature... I did it!

I love this picture. We are coming out of the palace gates and walking towards the skyscrapers of Marunochi.

By the time we were done visiting the Emperor it was about 2:30 and we were famished. We found a tonkatsu restaurant near the station and had ourselves some well deserved late lunch. YUMMY!!!

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