Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

The local time is

New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Sunday, January 03, 2010

Shopping, Shopping and Shopping

After our late lunch, I took Melina out on the town for some much needed retail therapy. Harajuku, Omotesando Dori and Shinjuku were our major stops yesterday. We tried on many silly hats, ate delicious crepes and had an all around fabulous afternoon/evening. I hope you enjoy all of the super girly photos!

1 comment:

Tressa said...

Do you remember when we went to Harajuku and there was Dirt and Lettuce perfume? :-) Oh shopping in Japan...good times. Looks like you girlies had a great time being girls, all you were missing was some crazy costumes and Hello Kitty gear ;-) Miss you