Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

The local time is

New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Meeting my old friend Art, in the park.

Ok, I am going to give you a little culture whether you like it or not. So, Suck it up princess! We are going to a museum. Just by chance, my group and I stubled across an outdoor sculpture museum in Hakone. It was friggin Gorgeous! Hot, but Gorgeous! So I am going to show you some art ( I think you can handle it, its not like it's porn or something ( you know I always thought porn was a wierd word to say.. porn... porn... see what I mean)).

What does this piece say to you? SHHHH. Listen.

Hmmmm. That's funny. I don't remember posing for a nude statue?

It was a beautiful day. All that was needed was a glass of red wine and a portable air conditioner.

"I'm sooooo vain. I probably think this picture is about me."

I'm watching you, watching me, watching myself.

This stained glass cylinder may be lovely from the outside, but, just like many people, its true secrets are revealed upon a closer look inside.

Our favorite statue of the day!!!!

Soooo. Did you survive? This type of exposure to cultural activities may or may not be contagious.

Some side effects may include....A need to grow a goatee and wear a beret, to say words like surrealism, to crave art or artistic people, to drink more cappucinos and use the word "Ciao" more than normal.

If these symptoms persist or a rash appears, please seek your nearest bar and drink a lot of cheep beer till some white-trash yokel calls you a Pansyboy.

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