Local Time in Nippon (Japan)

The local time is

New Year's News

New Year's News

I have been sick since before Xmas, I have stayed home for almost two week. I am getting better and I hope to be better in time for work.

Monday, August 08, 2005

A room with a view

So the weary travelers finaly reached the ----ing Hotel. The floors were tatami, the beds were futons and the food was edible, but un-pronounce-able.

Don' t ask what the hell we ate. I don't even know, but, just because I like you... I will try to remember.

There was... rice, sashimi, tons of diakon radish, fish eggs, sometype of cold chicken in a salty broth, rice with fish parts in it. Tepmura, a veggie and fish dish inwich you cook an egg into, this kick ass soup with fish balls. I tried everything and ate almost the entire dinner. I know it sounds like alot of fish, but it is summer time and fish is prevelant. The menue is seasonal.

Even Puddels lapsed into a food coma. I told him to stay away from all those fish eggs, but will he ever listen....

After their bellies were full and some fine japanese beer had been consumed it was time for our baths. (the process and traditions of japanese onzens will be further explained in another blog). Their evening of bathing, sake and nudity continued until late in the night.

The next morning, all the travelers were well rested and very energenic for another days journey.

Their breakfast was served and they ate hungrily. Smoked fish, miso soup, rice, pickles, soy, egg and green tea. Mmmmmmmm. It is the Japanese breakfast of champions.

SO... after another dip in the hot spring our travelers we well rested (and really clean) and ready to begin another days adventures.

So.... log on again to find out about their travels to China (ok, ok... Chinatown). See who drank the special brew at The Hub and how the really, really good looking travelers finally made their way home.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Greeeeeeeeeeeeeat........ Now I'm "----ing" hungry, miss you like "Owakudani" (look at me quoting Japanese), and am craving a good soak in the hot springs.

By the way, you look effing fabulous. And not that I want your break from teaching to end, but it'd be nice to get an e-mail from you soon. Loveyoumissyousoooooooooooooooooooooooomuch!!!!

Your favorite dirty whore