Last friday my friends and I were supposed to go out to celebrate my birthday. It was supposedly supposed to be a night of good food, friends, karaoke and no-mi-ho-dai (all you can drink). However, when I arrive at Crystal-lu's House I walk into a huge friggin party. A SURPRISE PARTY!!! Tressa and Crystal totaly planned a huge party right behind my back! I had no idea... I was totally suprised!

So... I walk into Crystal-lu's House and say "Hey! This looks like a party!" Everyone was a little shocked... I kind of snuck up on them... but hey I forgot my cell phone and couldn't call them and say I was running a bit late.

Recently married and lifes of the party, Mie and her hubby show off their new rings. All I rememer was them saying HEY JODY!!!! all night long. Good times!

Peter: "Hey, it's your birthday. Everyone... it's time for birhtday tequilla shots."
10 minutes later: " Hey everyone! It's Jody's birthday, we should have another tequilla shot"
5 minutes later " Hey... I think we need a another tequilla shot".

Everyone was soooooooooo nice. Almost everyone brought me a gift. Lets see...Hmmmmmm.... I got Birthday Tequilla, Birthday Vodka, Birthday Rum, Several bottles of Birthday Wine and a truck load of Birthday Champaigne. Do you see a theme? What do people think I am? A lush? (Don't answer that!!!) Although, I was impressed that so many peple remembered that chanpaigne is favorite!

Now... you know I have had a few coctails when I have started taking vanity shots of myself while I am in the Loooo!?!?!!! The toilet paper under my elbow is a dead give away. But hey... I was having an extremely great hair day!

My hostesses seem to have fallen into cunvolsions from the chocolatey goodness of my birthday cake. I don't even know what this cake ran them.... but I am guesseing upwards of 40 bucks. No one has ovens here, so all baked goods have to be purchased at a special bakery! It can get expensive.

All of the food was amazing. The girls made crab and spinach dips!
Some one made fried spring rolls and of course lots of chips, rice crackers and popcorn (they love popcorn).
Even Travi-pants can't resist the scruptous food. Mmmmmm. Spinach Dip!

Mie-chan and Yuka-chan are completly wasted. I have no idea what dance thay are doing, but they seem to have spontaniously made it up and started dancing to it while Tiffany's I think we're alone now blared on the stereo. I love it! They always seem to have a cocktail in their hands!
At some point thoughout the evening, Crystal-lu put a sweater on and decided to be the Herbal Essance Spokesgirl!
I would have put more pictures of Crystal-lu up... but her red-lacy bra is showing in almost 95% of them and I was not sure of how much she wanted the entire free world of internet users to see her cleavage and underwear!

Tressa lives like a block away and we needed her bed. So after convincing T-dog that we really needed her bed to sleep on. We drove the 1/2 block to her apartment to collect it. Tressa says "Just put everything on the roof of the car . I do it all the time.". I was hesitant, but trusted her experience.

This is a picture of T-dog's bed lying in the middle of the road. After draging her bed out of her clean apartment (her Mother was arriving the next day from Canada), we placed it ontop of her mini-SUV. Tressa decided to drive back
and after getting out of her parking space she proceeded to gun the car down the road. The bed immediatly slid off the back of the car. We got out and replaced it. Tressa got in the drivers side again and took off like a bat outta hell. It was like 5 seconds before I could stop laughing long enough to relay to her that we lost the bed AGAIN. Tressa then, through the car into reverse and drive directly over bed. I nearly peed my pants when we got out of the car to put the bed on the roof again and noticed 1/3 of it under the car! Love ya Tress!

Person 1: Hey man.. you look drunk!
Person 2: Yeah man... I feel a little drunk! Are you drunk?
Person 1: I think so. Why am I still wearing my coat?
This conversation can be and was reversed!

Now, don't ask me what the hell I am doing and why I am soooo friggin' happy about it. All I can put together is that someone decided to take a Jody photo shoot because I ended up with no less than 25 pictures of myself lying on my pillow while still wearing my jacket. And I swear I did not take them of myself, because I can see my arms, hands and shoulders in almost all of them? However, I have no recollection of this moment... so it is possible that I took 25 pictures of myeslf, but not bloody likley!

To Crysal-lu from everyone else at the party.
"Darling... I luv ya, but I can't stay and help clean up. I gotta go. But thanks for throwing such an awesome party"
The next day it took Crystal-lu over 2 hours to clean her apartment. You are amazing girl! At least you burned off the booze with the workout you got from cleaning the chocolate cake out of your Tatami's!

The next morning... I awoke first (as always) and proceeded to get every one SAUSAGE McMUFFINS while everyone else slept off the crazy party that ended only 3 hours earlier! Great Times. I would like to thank everyone who showed up.. and all those who tried to but couldn't becasause of good reasons like... the mumps (actual excuse of one guest). I would also like to thank Tressa and Crystal.. you girls are amazing. I feel soooooooo lucky to have met you and that you are here to share my experiences and hangovers. All my love to ya, Jody!
You're welcome honey!
***HAPPY BIRTHDAY***(late late....)
I'm cho-- very sorry that I couldn't make your Birthday party...:(
I will be there,right next to you next year!!!!!hehehe
see you soon!
Sorry I didn't make it until the next day. Katie still has the mumps, Beth went to the doctor and hers was swollen glands instead of mumps thankfully, and of course you know I got stuck with last minute Yomo duties. I hope the karaoke the following evening made it up a bit. Love ya...
hey jod! no prob! i love you and am glad you had a great time! hope you had fun on saturday night! i miss you-mamas here! ill call you soon. you are way to funny-love the old "cold heat" story. good times and kicks in the pants.
love tress
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