Christmas Classes.

WIth my third and fouth graders we were working on shapes... cirlce, square, oval, star, rectangle... rectangle is my word of the month. I friggin love saying it. Go ahead... say it aloud. REC- TANGLE. It sounds funny!!!

Add a little coloring activity in, decorate a christmas tree and 45 minutes wiz by. I even got a song in. However, after this month I can say that I never want to sing We Wish You a Merry Christmas ever again!

With my fith and sixth graders I decieded to make christmas cards. There was no time to sing any songs... they needed the entire 40 minutes to design their cards along with an extra 5 mins to decorate their tree. Therefore... I was doing a whole lot of nothing.
But I do think my coloring skills improved over the week. I probably made no less than 100 ornaments for the fake paper trees I had in each class. Good times.

Unfortunatly all my classes can not be like this... but it was a nice way to end the year. Oh well, I can't complain too much. After today I don't have to go back to work until January 10th. Don't you wish you became a teacher instead of some CPA, Doctor, Lawer ect...??? HAHAHHAHAHA! LATER GATER!
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