Everything was amazing... they let me sit in the place of honor...which is something not usually done (but it was nice because I got to sit under the heated table). Then we drank a beautiful bottle of Dom Perrion (it was meg's parents 1st time to try champaigne and My first time for DP) which I uncorked... because I was the only one to ever have any experience at it (ps I tottaly miss the Ballatore... but someone told me last week where I can get it. MMMmmmm Ballatore!).

During a pause in drinking and eating... The ladies took me into the other room to give me a surprise. Meg's aunt-in-law is a liscensed Kimono Dresser and they let me try on two different kimonos. I have tried on a kimono before, but I have never worn the full ensemble. I was wrapted up like a sausage, but it was fun and all the guests at the party got a big kick out of seeing me dressed up. In fact the kimonos were made by Meg's grandmother-in-law (she said she will take the memory of me wearing them into the heavens) and they were absolutly gorgous!

So, after eating the bigest piece of cake I have ever seen, several peices of fruit, a bowl of rice with leftover turtle and a lot of sake ...it was time to say my goodbyes and head off home before my hot water lines froze again! But not before promising tha family to return for a party after the baby is born (sometime in Febuary or early March). I had a fastastic time... it was by far one of my best birthdays... evethough I could only understand about 40% of what people were saying. Till next time.... Adios Muchachos!
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